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Command sets and Companion apps Available for Download

This page provides download links for a number of different types of files:

  • FlickStart Tags using movement to target Phone and/or Watch - Sets of commands that can be added to a FlickStart installation to control apps on the handheld or on a connected wearable. Each command will define which of the eighteen movements recognized by FlickStart will trigger the command.

  • FlickStart Tags using movement to target Windows apps - Sets of commands that can be added to a FlickStart installation to control apps on Windows PCs (when your phone and the PCs are on the same WiFi network). Each command will define which of the eighteen movements recognized by FlickStart will trigger the command. See the section on this website describing FlickNet for information on setting up the phone and PC(s).

  • FlickStart Tags using speech to target Phone and/or Watch - Sets of commands that can be added to a FlickStart installation to control apps on the handheld or on a connected wearable. Each command will define a speech pattern which triggers the command when the speech reocgnition process returns text that will match the pattern.

  • FlickStart Tags using speech to target Windows apps - Sets of commands that can be added to a FlickStart installation to control apps on Windows PCs (when your phone and the PCs are on the same WiFi network). Each command will define a speech pattern which triggers the command when the speech reocgnition process returns text that will match the pattern. See the section on this website describing FlickNet for information on setting up the phone and PC(s).

  • FlickStart Companion apps - These are apps which need to be installed on a PC. The apps act as the PC end of a bridge from FlickStart on a phone through to apps on a PC. Since the companion apps don't install on a phone they can't be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

  • Some of the files are the duplicates (or updated versions) of commands provided with FlickStart and are there in case you accidentally delete or damage your copy of the commands.

    Others are new command sets that work with more apps or are variations on existing ones.

    To use a command set, download it to the 'Downloads' folder on your phone and then go to the menu bar in FlickStart and choose the import option:

    Entries in the table have the most recently added or changed items at the top and oldest items at the bottom.

    File Name Description Author Website
    Skype on Windows.xml The file contains commands to control Microsoft's Skype app on a Windows PC via FlickNet. Movements will do operations such as answer a call, start a call, next contact, etc. If you want to use the commands that contact someone (like start a call), you should first edit the command 'Select Contact xxx'. In the 'Extra Data' section of that command replace the 'xxx' by the name of the contact you want to select. There is a command set for the wearable and one for the handheld. Neologue Computing flickstart.com.au
    PowerPoint on Windows.xml The file contains commands to control the Microsoft's PowerPoint on a Windows PC via FlickNet. Movements will do move slide next/previous, and enter/exit slideshow mode. There is a command set for the wearable and one for the handheld. Neologue Computing flickstart.com.au
    Windows Media Player.xml The file contains commands to control Windows Media Player on a PC via FlickNet. Movements will do track next/previous, toggle pause a track and volume up/down. There is a command set for the wearable and one for the handheld. Neologue Computing flickstart.com.au
    Adobe Reader on Windows.xml The file contains commands to control the Adobe Reader on a Windows PC via FlickNet. Movements will do page up/down, toggle fullscreen and zoom in/out. There is a command set for the wearable and one for the handheld. Neologue Computing flickstart.com.au
    Generic Arrow Keys.xml This is a generic set of commands each of which sends a single arrow key. The commands don't choose a particular PC app. Rather, the commands get applied to whatever app currently has focus on the PC. You can use these commands as a starting point for creating and testing new command sets. Make sure the app you want to control has focus and change the 'keys' parameter value to drive the functions you want. Later, you can add 'app' and/or 'window_' parameters to make sure your commands target the specific app you want. Neologue Computing flickstart.com.au
    Winamp on Windows.xml The file contains commands to control Winamp on a Windows PC via FlickNet. Movements will do track next/previous, toggle pause a track and volume up/down. There is a command set for the wearable and one for the handheld. Neologue Computing flickstart.com.au
    Calibre on Windows.xml The file contains commands to control the Calibre app on a Windows PC via FlickNet. The commands apply to the window visible when reading a book rather than the management window. Movements will do page up/down, toggle fullscreen and zoom in/out. There is a command set for the wearable and one for the handheld. Neologue Computing flickstart.com.au
    Kindle for PC.xml The file contains commands to control the Kindle for PC app (that runs the Windows desktop) via FlickNet. Movements will do page up/down, toggle fullscreen and make the font larger/smaller. There is a command set for the wearable and one for the handheld. Neologue Computing flickstart.com.au

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